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Scientific Calculator

Designed and Programmed by S M Asaduzzaman

Graphing Calculator

In Mathematics, You can draw any graph of any function with free graph drawing website

How to calculate exponential value

Exponential value of 5 i.e. e5 can be calculated by this calculator pressing 5 then press e^x . For learn about implicit function and graphing, visit: Graphing implicit function

How to calculate trigonometric value

Trigonometric value of sin(90o) can be calculated by this calculator type 90 then press sin and another trigonometri value of cos, tan, cot, cosec,sec are calculated same as sin(90o) . For learn about piecewise function and graphing, visit: Graphing Piecewise function

How to calculate logarithm value or log value

log value of log25 can be calculated by this calculator type 25 then press log . For learn about complex analysis of math and graphing, visit: Graphing Complex Analysis function

How to calculate square root value

square root value of 36 i.e. √(36) can be calculated by this calculator type 36 then press Sqrt . For learn about Polar function and graphing, visit: Graphing Polar function

How to calculate square root value

Factorial value of 5 i.e. 5! can be calculated by this calculator type 5 then press ! For learn about parametric function and graphing, visit: Graphing parametric function For learn about linear programming and graphing, visit: linear programming and graphing For learn about Inequality and graphing, visit: Graphing Inequality For learn about simple mathematics function and graphing, visit: Graphing simple Mathematics function For learn about parallilogram law on mechanics and graphing, visit: Graphing parallilogram law on mechanics and graphing