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Name:  Kyrah

 1353.   Question or Comment: Suppose that the function f is defined, for all real numbers, as follows. f(x) = {x - 2 if x < -2 { 3x + 2 if x ≥ -2 Graph the function f. Then determine whether or not the function is continuous.

Replied by   Admin :   We can see from this graph, it is continuous function but we can only say that it is continuous, when left lim= right lim = functional value at that point. Thank you.

Name:  Sam my

 1249.   Question or Comment: Graph the piecewise function below by dragging the endpoints of the lines to the correct locations, then select whether the endpoints are included in the graph or not. f ( x ) = ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ − x + 1 if x < − 2 − x 2 if − 2 ≤ x < 1 x − 3 if x ≥ 1

Replied by   Admin :   Type -x+1 where x<-2 -(x^2) where -2<=x<1 x-3 where x>=1 Then you get the graph. Thank you very much.

Name:  Lion

 928.   Question or Comment: Dear admin, how can i write x to the power 3 ?

Replied by   Admin :   You can write x^3 or x**3 Thank you.

Name:  Admin

 698.   Question or Comment: Welcome to my discussion page.